Het grappige plaatjes draadje

Aanbevolen berichten

A giant panda goes into one of those expensive and pretentious restaurants serving French/Asian fusion cuisine and takes a table for one. The surprised waiter for that table explains unctuously that his name is Marcel, he will be your server tonight, and we ‘ave a number of specials (he is French), etc., etc. The panda listens impassively to the list of $27 chili-pepper encrusted swordfish specials and so on, and then orders a delicately flavored dish of young bamboo tips and mixed greenery served with steamed jasmine rice. On finishing his meal, the panda gets up, reaches into his fur for a handgun, brings down the waiter with one shot, and calmly heads for the door.


The head waiter is near the door and exclaims in shock, “Oh, monsieur, what 'ave you done? You 'ave killed Marcel! Why 'ave you done zis, monsieur? You 'ad some problem? Ze service was not acceptable?”


The panda scowls at him and says, “I'm a fucking panda. Go look it up.” He stalks out into the night.


The baffled staff huddle round the compact encyclopedic dictionary that they keep on the premises, and turning to Panda, giant, they read this:


Panda, giant.

Large bear-like animal, Ailuropoda melanoleuca, with distinctive black and white markings, related to raccoon family. Rare; found only in bamboo forests of Tibet and western China. Eats shoots and leaves.


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Geen plaatje, maar wel een verhaal dat ons allen zal aanspreken:




11-jarig jongetje dat al 3 drie jaar limonade verkoopt...met een heus pak aan, en daar erg veel geld mee verdient (voor zijn doen).


Die komt er wel... ;D

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