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Financial resources for start-up visa question


Hi, I understand that to be eligible for the start-up visa, you have to have 70% of the standard amount for single persons under the Minimum Wage Act.


Since I am 18, would the financial resources requirement for start-ups for me be the minimum wage that is set for 18 year olds in the Netherlands, right? 


In other words, the current minimum wage for 18 year olds in the Netherlands is about 10.5k euros per year. I only need to have 70% of this, right? 


Please let me know as this would really help me. Thanks a lot. 

aangepast door Jamesss
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Hi Jamesss,


Welcome to Higherlevel.


Context for other visitors of this forum: entrepreneurs from outside the EU, EEA or Switzerland can apply for a temporary residence permit for the Netherlands, a so called  startup visa


Amongst other conditions, the startup entrepreneur must have sufficient funds to reside, live and set up a business in the Netherlands. The amount available must be at least 70% of the standard amount for single persons under the Minimum Wage Act. The actual required amounts in euros per permit are listed on the website of the IND.


Met vriendelijke groet, Ron van der Kolk MSc MBA


Ik werk via Inflection als interimmanager voor de publieke sector aan betere

dienstverlening, bedrijfsvoering & informatievoorziening door de overheid. 

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49 minuten geleden, Ron van der Kolk zei:

The amount available must be at least 70% of the standard amount for single persons under the Minimum Wage Act.


This is only meant as a reference the Dutch standard is based on the normal minimum wage.

The visa does allow your facilitator to pay you or make this amount available to you.


quote from business.gov.nl

The amount available must be at least 70% of the standard amount for single persons under the Minimum Wage Act. Another (legal) person, such as the facilitator, may also fund the residence by providing money (resources) to the startup entrepreneur. The amount must be available for the startup entrepreneur's entire period of residence (maximum 1 year).


For the visa there is no discount because being 18 does not make your living expenses any lower.

rent is the same for any person as is energy and food cost.

70% of standard minimum wage is the reference. as a minimal safe amount to be able to live in the Netherlands for a year.



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1 hour ago, Ron van der Kolk said:

Hi Jamesss,


Welcome to Higherlevel.


Context for other visitors of this forum: entrepreneurs from outside the EU, EEA or Switzerland can apply for a temporary residence permit for the Netherlands, a so called  startup visa


Amongst other conditions, the startup entrepreneur must have sufficient funds to reside, live and set up a business in the Netherlands. The amount available must be at least 70% of the standard amount for single persons under the Minimum Wage Act. The actual required amounts in euros per permit are listed on the website of the IND.


The link that you listed is for start-up personnel. That's not the same thing as I myself am applying for the Dutch start-up visa and not responding to a job offer. 

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