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English social enterprise has problems bringing used cycles out of Netherlands

I hope someone can help. I am the Development Director for Get Cycling, a not-for-profit social enterprise in the UK specialising in providing affordable specialised cycles for people with disabilities. For many years we imported used disability tricycles from the Netherlands, to refurbish in our workshop in the UK. We identified them on Marktplaats, and then, every month toured the Netherlands with a big van, buying them from private individuals. Brexit has stopped all that. Receipts from private individuals are no longer enough to allow us to take the cycles out of the country. We need to work through an established Dutch company with an EORI number and willing to do the export paperwork. Brexit is a disaster all round! We therefore wish to set up a branch of our organisation in the Netherlands, still functioning under UK law (we are also a limited company). I know this is possible. This branch office would buy the cycles, and, I hope, complete the paperwork. Someone who is a Dutch resident, but not a Dutch citizen, is willing to run it, but does not want to use his home address. I presume we can register the business address as being with a Dutch accountant?  If anyone knows an easier way to do this, I'd love to hear it! All advice would be welcome. I read Dutch perfectly well if you find it more convenient. Regards, Jim

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Dear Jim,


The HL forum is not intended for not-for-profit-organisations, but we'll maken an exception, since other UK businesses could run into the same problems.


In NL it is not common to use an address from an accounting firm to register your company at. I would go so far as saying that probably no accounting firm is willing to do this. There are a lot of companies that provide an address to register your company at, but that usually is no more than a desk. Probably enough to register at the Chamber of Commerce, but not really a branche office in the fiscal sense. 


A branche office in the fiscal sense is a morter and bricks place from where the Dutch branche of a foreign company is running its business. 


So it's a bit of a gamble for you, but getting an office address should not be a problem. Google on company registration address netherlands



DenariusAdvies: Tax | M&A | Legal

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1 uur terug, jimmcgurn zei:

We need to work through an established Dutch company with an EORI number and willing to do the export paperwork. Brexit is a disaster all round! We therefore wish to set up a branch of our organisation in the Netherlands, still functioning under UK law (we are also a limited company). I know this is possible. This branch office would buy the cycles, and, I hope, complete the paperwork.


Is the Dutch branch really essential to be able to fill the export paperwork?

As I don't think it is a requirement for the EORI number itself?



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Are the Dutch or British customs demanding this from your organization?

I presume you have explored this website to check things on your end? As Maxn pointed out, on our end of the north sea this website might help you out. In short, it should be possible to continue your work without registering or using a Dutch legal entity for export. You should be able to operate from within the UK, importing, with just the right paperwork. In spite of brexit.

Daxto.com - Modern ondernemen | Altijd een goede grip op je onderneming.

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20 hours ago, Daxto.com said:

Are the Dutch or British customs demanding this from your organization?

I presume you have explored this website to check things on your end? As Maxn pointed out, on our end of the north sea this website might help you out. In short, it should be possible to continue your work without registering or using a Dutch legal entity for export. You should be able to operate from within the UK, importing, with just the right paperwork. In spite of brexit.


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It's a legal requirement, as defined in he Unions Customs Code Delegated Act that the exporter of (any) goods is established in the customs territory of the Union. 


So any entity you wish to register in the Netherlands must comply with the demands from customs regarding "established in the EU". According to he Customs Code a

"person established in the customs territory of the Union" means:


(a) in the case of a natural person, any person who has his or her habitual residence in the customs territory of the Union;

b) in the case of a legal person or an association of persons, any person having its registered office, central headquarters or a permanent business establishment in the customs territory of the Union.


Any company outside the EU can get an EORI-number, but that does not mean they're "established" and, hence, can export.


This requirement is not really related to Brexit, it's for export to any country, but thanks to Brexit it is necessary to complete an export clearance for shipments to the UK. The easiest solution would be the customs agent assumes the role of "exporter". 


aangepast door Bert.
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