joe in clogs

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Alles dat geplaatst werd door joe in clogs

  1. Happy New Year and if all goes well this year then maybe we will not have to burn the furniture to keep warm.
  2. Well done, you are quite rite, and I see I will not have to send you a free estimate for English lessons. ;D
  3. Free estimate. / free quote, the words would have to be worded in the rite context.
  4. My wife who wakes me up at 5:30 in the morning because I never hear the alarm clock, with out her all my gadgets would be of no use. :P
  5. Hi Hank, You sound just like my wife, she’s Dutch you know !!!!!! Anyway I’m going to take your advice and rob that bank tomorrow but I was just wondering, all the shops in my city are open tomorrow (Sunday 22 December) will the banks also be Open? I would like to thank all the people on this forum, not only the people who answer the questions but also the people who ask questions. Without a problem there would be no answers. And I would like to wish you all a Very Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year and may you all have the Luck of the Irish. Nollaig Shona Daoibh
  6. Vistransploft Willep de Vriep wenst u Preppige klefdagen en een Gegluppig 2080
  7. You mean just like the Belastingdienst!!!!
  8. Hi, You could always take a quick look at this website and see if there is anything there that would be useful to you.
  9. PEETJEPEET. You could try an English employment agency with experience in finding people who want to come and work in Holland, but I don’t know if it’s acceptable for me to post there ULR on the forum? So I have PM’d you.
  10. That is a standard safety trick in the industry and yes it would make it safer but I must ask, what material would you use for the rollers? The mix can be sometimes very hard or soft and sticky. Please answer in Dutch. ;)
  11. Hi gekkepitte, If you click on the website on ( boiliemachine) and then on (worstenspuit) you will see that next to the machine there is a sort of motor controller. This because every time you use the machine it only has to turn the rollers one time to make some boilies. If the motor controller is not there then people will be tempted to drop the sausage made by the worstenspuit onto the moving rollers. Being a carp fisherman and an industrial electrician I have seen enough accidents and you can’t catch carp on finger tips!!!!
  12. Happy New Year and I would like to wish all the people on the forum a successful 2007.
  13. I see Steorn Ltd is from Ireland so I think its something to do with Guinness. Being an Irish industrial electrician in the semiconductor industry I have experienced Perpetui Mobili after a few pints!!! My God they my have solved my “Space time absoluteness theory”!!!!! ???
  15. Great site and thanks for sharing it. It cheered me up no end. Best Joe :) :) :)
  16. Hi, I asked someone the same question and this is the answer I received but your situation may be a bit different to me. I hope you get the correct answer from members of this forum. de inkomsten uit de hobby zijn aan te merken als Resultaat uit Overige Werzaamheden (kortweg ROW) en vallen dus wel onder box 1. Hier moet dus wel belasting over betaald worden en moet wel een administratie bijgehouden worden. De kosten zijn aftrekbaar, daarnaast moet meneer laten kijken of hij in aanmerking komt voor de KOR-regeling, als hij onder de drempel valt, hoeft hij geen BTW-aangifte te doen, dus geen suppletie afdragen. Omdat het hier om een ROW gaat is een appate winst aangifte niet noodzakelijk. Afhankelijk van de aard van de hobby is inschrijving bij de KvK wel van toepassing. Informeer hierover bij uw fiscaaladviseur of bel de KvK. Als u geen fiscalist hebt of kent, wordt het dringend tijd dat u er een gaat zoeken! een student fiscaalrecht en aangiftemedewerker Joe, we have received your correction on your first post. I have edited that text into this post, deleting the false information (which indeed was wrong). Regards Joost (MOD)
  17. I haven’t had my “Definitieve aanslag inkomstenbelasting” has anybody not got there’s yet? I find it a bit strange as this has never happened before and I am not a free-lancer or anything like that.
  18. I would have thought a lazer printer would have been better in the long run and for two reasons. One: you may be doing it “zonder afbeeldingen” so you only need black ink and. Two: It’s no good only putting your advert only one time in the doors, its better to go back to the same address once every two weeks for a least three times. I get three adverts to an A4 piece of paper and use a snyplank met hefboom to cut them out. I also use a spatel to put them in the letter boxes, this saves you from cutting your fingers and feeding the dogs.
  19. Got any use for an Irish dyslexic industrial electrician?
  20. 1.The Dutch Government put a ban on meetings during working time. 2.Thousands of Dutch people are seen walking the streets talking to them selves. 3.Productivity and exports rise to new highs. 4.33000 Polish and East German workers are sacked for having a meeting.
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