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Forced to pay simple contact fees for Werkspot?


Thank you for taking the time to read about my situation. Especially here on Higherlevel

I'm sorry but the wording isn't clear about how the werkspot.nl site operates. It was all new to me in terms of how the payment is charged. The potential customers have  not continued communication for unknown reasons. There is no business that I will have with these customers or in the future with Werkspot.

The website Werkspot and its process isn’t at all what I assumed or what was intended. They charge a fee located in the right column for the customer or client just to have the email and phone number of the potential client.

It wasn’t clear to me when we talked on the phone at the beginning on the 19th of January. Paying these euros for only accessing contact details with no business taking place.

Huge misunderstanding.  I don't want to be with Werkspot any longer.

They sent me a bill for 136 euros. I sent their salesmanager an email a few times and through Linkedin. They is no reply.


Do I have to pay this outrageous fee? Do they have the authority to go through incasso bureau even when I've explained the misunderstanding and wanting no part of their company?


I didn't even give them my Bank number just my KVK statement. 



aangepast door Norbert Bakker
specific name of a salesmanager removed
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Paying for someone's email or number with no response with client? A fee for just providing an email? Where's the logic in that? Also, how can they force me as the worker to pay for just having contact with the potential client? Do they have the right? So many people I've just learned many people are stunned by this approach, this blatant intention of using unclear structure to their wording. It's actually quite criminal. Especially how they're not open to discussion, not responding to concerns or comments through email. Their phone doesn't get answered.

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Unfortunately for you it is their business to get paid handsomely for leads... maybe it is best for you to pay and immediately cancel your subscription.

Succes & Groet, 

Hans (J.H.) van den Bergh, MSc BEc

HL-Deelnemer en -Moderator I Social Designer I Consultant Communicatie -, Innovatie - en Marketing-Strategie I Design Thinker Gediplomeerd Specialist Arbeidsrecht  Bedrijfsidee? Toets het gratis: HIERMEE!

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Cyber Security Adviseur
Cyber Security Adviseur
1 uur geleden, Norbert Bakker zei:

“The leads are weak”


nevertheless, someone has invested money and effort in a site and advertisements to provide  you with these leads, and you accepted their terms and price… that’s the logic.

The basis is that TS entered into a contract and is now complaining that he obviously didn't quite realise the content of that contract.

From Werkspot's point of view, I quite understand that one has to pay for each lead. Werkspot does not have any way to check if a lead has led to a contract or not.

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Did you contact Werkspot Support?







aangepast door Hans van den Bergh
Tekst aangepast naar relevant en on-topic
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11 uur geleden, newredsand zei:

None of these answers are satisfactory


Understandable, but it is probably the best we can do for you. It is, sadly but true, up to yourself to put the posted information to good use to end the relationship with Werkspot...

Succes & Groet, 

Hans (J.H.) van den Bergh, MSc BEc

HL-Deelnemer en -Moderator I Social Designer I Consultant Communicatie -, Innovatie - en Marketing-Strategie I Design Thinker Gediplomeerd Specialist Arbeidsrecht  Bedrijfsidee? Toets het gratis: HIERMEE!

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11 uur geleden, newredsand zei:

None of these answers are satisfactory

I might not be what you'd want to hear.


Op 2-2-2023 om 18:56, newredsand zei:

Do I have to pay this outrageous fee?

If the fee for delivered services is according to the terms and conditions you agreed upon, then yes. 


Was this a (recorded) phone call with verbal agreement or a written and signed contract? What was agreed upon? 


Op 2-2-2023 om 18:56, newredsand zei:

Do they have the authority to go through incasso bureau

If the fee is according to the terms and conditions you agreed upon, then yes.


Op 2-2-2023 om 18:56, newredsand zei:

even when I've explained the misunderstanding

The incasso bureau is not a mediator between you and werkspot. 


Op 2-2-2023 om 19:12, newredsand zei:

A fee for just providing an email? Where's the logic in that? Also, how can they force me as the worker to pay for just having contact with the potential client? Do they have the right?

If providing an email address is the service you agreed upon, then there is both logic and right to bill the agreed fee.


If in hindsight you feel this is not what you need, you should have agreed on something else. The actual agreement is leading, not your expectations. 

Met vriendelijke groet, Ron van der Kolk MSc MBA


Ik werk via Inflection als interimmanager voor de publieke sector aan betere

dienstverlening, bedrijfsvoering & informatievoorziening door de overheid. 

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Don't get me wrong, I expected much more from this pool of educated gentlemen to understand with the highest degree of reason given the rare situation of this select company that does business like no other on or off the internet. A system of entrapment and ultra smooth operating at the costs of business individuals parlayed with no such decent measures of open communication, rational understanding. Negligence for the pawn, sweat by the pawn and ulterior motives for/within a phony traditional system albeit masquerading behind a so-called strength, honor and a healthy enterprise. No vindictive results.

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21 minuten geleden, newredsand zei:

Don't get me wrong, I expected much more from this pool of educated gentlemen.


Sorry for the disappointment and just to make sure: If, by this remark you are referring to the members of this HL- community, please understand that all (men ánd women) of us are volunteers, willing to help to the best of our capabilities. So yes, your expectations of HL and Werkspot as well were probably to high. And as Ron allready stated: you did agree to the terms and conditions of Werkspot.   

Succes & Groet, 

Hans (J.H.) van den Bergh, MSc BEc

HL-Deelnemer en -Moderator I Social Designer I Consultant Communicatie -, Innovatie - en Marketing-Strategie I Design Thinker Gediplomeerd Specialist Arbeidsrecht  Bedrijfsidee? Toets het gratis: HIERMEE!

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25 minuten geleden, newredsand zei:

I expected much more from this pool of educated gentlemen to understand with the highest degree of reason given the rare situation of this select company that does business like no other on or off the internet.

You didn't ask if I found their fee reasonable. You didn't ask if I found their way of operating fair. I have empathy for your situation, but you didn't ask for that either.


You asked if you had to pay. We tried to answer, and the answer is probably yes, because of an agreement. But until now you have not provided us with the agreement or the circumstances. Maybe Werkspot has crossed the line, maybe not - impossible to say without further information. A simple misunderstanding or an honest mistake on your side is not a valid reason to get out of the agreement.




Met vriendelijke groet, Ron van der Kolk MSc MBA


Ik werk via Inflection als interimmanager voor de publieke sector aan betere

dienstverlening, bedrijfsvoering & informatievoorziening door de overheid. 

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So you're saying on every web page /site you've encountered, joined, visited, you read before consenting and agreeing to the 'terms and conditions' on sites and checked with your lawyer and asked for cross examination for peers before signing up to ie: social media sites for example linkedin, pinterest, facebook, Instagram, youtube or non-social media sites for ie: software products ,etc? do you actually know conditions you're signing up for when you click to agreeing to cookies on a site even on your small smart phone? Didn't think so. Even so, you're given a grace period or trial to see if you like it or how it performs. No such thing here. I tried it for a couple days and saw that it wasn't working so tried to get out. This company in question intentionally hooks people in with an approach that deliberately tricks and deceives. Where are all these disagreeable biases on this platform coming from? I just can't understand by the life of me why all these volunteers are siding with this faulty unique business technique practiced by this Dutch company - Werkspot. 

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14 minuten geleden, newredsand zei:

practiced by this Dutch company - Werkspot


Werkspot is part of an international company, HomeAdvisor International, active in: 

VS: Homeadvisor & Angi

Engeland: MyBuilder

Canada: Homestars

Frankrijk: 123 Devis & Travaux.com

Duitsland: MyHammer

Oostenrijk: MyHammer

Italië: Instapro


17 minuten geleden, newredsand zei:

So you're saying...


What I was trying to say, is quite different than the words you are trying to put in my mouth:  you should pick the right battlefield to work this out, we've appeared unable to meet your expectations in terms of trying to help you, and again: sorry for that, but this is as far it can go on our part.


Succes & Groet, 

Hans (J.H.) van den Bergh, MSc BEc

HL-Deelnemer en -Moderator I Social Designer I Consultant Communicatie -, Innovatie - en Marketing-Strategie I Design Thinker Gediplomeerd Specialist Arbeidsrecht  Bedrijfsidee? Toets het gratis: HIERMEE!

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35 minuten geleden, newredsand zei:

I just can't understand by the life of me why all these volunteers are siding with this faulty unique business technique


That is also what you did understand wrong, and even somewhat insulting... you cannot blame us, for it is you and only you who is not understanding things...

Succes & Groet, 

Hans (J.H.) van den Bergh, MSc BEc

HL-Deelnemer en -Moderator I Social Designer I Consultant Communicatie -, Innovatie - en Marketing-Strategie I Design Thinker Gediplomeerd Specialist Arbeidsrecht  Bedrijfsidee? Toets het gratis: HIERMEE!

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34 minuten geleden, newredsand zei:

Where are all these disagreeable biases on this platform coming from? I just can't understand by the life of me why all these volunteers are siding with this faulty unique business technique practiced by this Dutch company - Werkspot. 

We are not biased, we are simply answering your question, only you don't seem to like our answers.


The thing is: you asked about your legal position as an unsatisfied customer of werkspot. We told you. 


That it's unfair or perhaps immoral, might be so. But, most of us haven't experienced werkspot's modus operandi, so it would be unfair from us to just side with you based on your complaints without the due process of audi alteram partem.


As one entrepreneur to another: this is part of (entrepreneurial) life. It certainly won't be the last time you'll feel misguided or even scammed. 


Suck it up, move on and redirect your energy towards positive new developments in your company!


Best of luck

DenariusAdvies: Tax | M&A | Legal

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21 minuten geleden, newredsand zei:

So you're saying on every web page /site you've encountered, joined, visited, you read before consenting and agreeing to the 'terms and conditions' on sites and checked with your lawyer and asked for cross examination for peers

No, don’t put words in my mouth. If I choose not to read what I agree to as an entrepreneur I take a calculated risk and accept the consequences.


27 minuten geleden, newredsand zei:

Even so, you're given a grace period or trial to see if you like it or how it performs. No such thing here. I tried it for a couple days and saw that it wasn't working so tried to get out.

Did you agree to a grace period or was this an implicit expectation?


28 minuten geleden, newredsand zei:

This company in question intentionally hooks people in with an approach that deliberately tricks and deceives.

Until now you have not provided us with the agreement or the circumstances. Maybe Werkspot has crossed the line, maybe not - impossible to say without further information.


30 minuten geleden, newredsand zei:

Where are all these disagreeable biases on this platform coming from? I just can't understand by the life of me why all these volunteers are siding with this faulty unique business technique practiced by this Dutch company - Werkspot. 

I'm not. I just can’t understand why you want me to choose your side and why you accuse me of choosing your opponent’s side. I'm neutral, trying to answer your question if you have to pay or not. I'm trying to leave my personal opinion on their business technique out of this, and so should you.


Oh, and you may want to step over your attitude against volunteers who are spending their sunday morning trying to help you. You are loud to complain about 139 euros you have to pay, but very quiet about the consultancy you recieved here for free. 

Met vriendelijke groet, Ron van der Kolk MSc MBA


Ik werk via Inflection als interimmanager voor de publieke sector aan betere

dienstverlening, bedrijfsvoering & informatievoorziening door de overheid. 

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1 minuut geleden, newredsand zei:

I'm not blaming you for anything.


I beg to differ...


But, back on-topic now: Is there anything you have learned here that may have helped you along to a follow-up?

Succes & Groet, 

Hans (J.H.) van den Bergh, MSc BEc

HL-Deelnemer en -Moderator I Social Designer I Consultant Communicatie -, Innovatie - en Marketing-Strategie I Design Thinker Gediplomeerd Specialist Arbeidsrecht  Bedrijfsidee? Toets het gratis: HIERMEE!

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13 minutes ago, Ron van der Kolk said:

No, don’t put words in my mouth. If I choose not to read what I agree to as an entrepreneur I take a calculated risk and accept the consequences.


Did you agree to a grace period or was this an implicit expectation?


Until now you have not provided us with the agreement or the circumstances. Maybe Werkspot has crossed the line, maybe not - impossible to say without further information.


I'm not. I just can’t understand why you want me to choose your side and why you accuse me of choosing your opponent’s side. I'm neutral, trying to answer your question if you have to pay or not. I'm trying to leave my personal opinion on their business technique out of this, and so should you.


Oh, and you may want to step over your attitude against volunteers who are spending their sunday morning trying to help you. You are loud to complain about 139 euros you have to pay, but very quiet about the consultancy you recieved here for free. 

sure - unprecedented unreasonable consequences isn't anything personal. None of this is. It's from a strictly business approach. Being baffled by your responses shouldn't be interpreted as insulting. Sorry you feel that way.

there are certain measures in business with grace periods, obviously this company doesn't have this in place.

Don't volunteer on a sunday morning then. That's up to you!  

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14 uur geleden, Gast zei:

Did you contact Werkspot Support?







many emails, and attempts on phone, reached out towerkspot senior accoutn manager) on Linkedin. No reply



aangepast door Norbert Bakker
Specific name of a werkspot employee removed
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